Saturday, September 14, 2024

Life Drawing Barcelona September 13 2024


3min, 5 min, 10 min 15 mmin

Session in Carrer Mata with Sheelah and Lauren

Monday, October 17, 2016

Figure drawing in Montpellier October 2016

More drawings from figure drawing session here in Montpellier. I'm trying to let go of bad drawing habits and relax enough during each pose to express something emotional, rather than just portraying the body in front of me.
My worst habit comes up during the longer poses. I sometimes aim to create a finished piece instead of letting go and just allowing something to happen. As a result, they tend to be over-worked and lack soul. The shorter poses tend to be much more interesting.

20 minute conté on black card

20 minute conté crayon on paper

I think this one was 10 minutes. This is one of my favourites from the session as it conveys vulnerability.

Another 10 minute pose, I rather like this one. 

5 minute charcoal on paper.

5 minute charcoal on paper

Charcoal on paper

2 minute charcoal.

2 minute charcoal. I like the strong line on her back. Makes the figure pop off the page a bit.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Montpellier figure drawing session

I'm delighted to have found a new drawing session nearby. The group are much more experienced than me and the space is beautiful.

Here are some quick sketches and 1 twenty minute color sketch from my first session.